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Overdoing SEO; are you doing it?



Overdoing SEO; are you doing it? by Dave Cottrell   Overdoing SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, isn’t really possible, is

You need good, unique content related to your niche.

  1. Your title tags, alt text, and even the first line of your first paragraph should be unique and contain your keyword(s).
  2. Your keyword(s) should appear a number of times in your articles.
  3. Your permalinks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permalink ) should also contain your keywords, not some nonsensical code.
  4. Your website should not be too complex, and every page should be able to take you back to where you came from. Use as few folders as you can get away with. All you really need to add to your basic website file setup, even if you don’t have a WordPress site, is an image file, maybe a video file, and a download file.

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